On Thursday 27th November 2014 I attended the PEA (People Environment & Achievement) Awards. http://www.peaawards.com/news-press/
“The awards were founded with an intent and need to support individuals and teams making a real difference in the world today, hopefully inspiring others and stimulating the decision makers to take urgent action for the way we are treating our planet” Jarvis Smith Founder
The event was held at No1 Invicta Plaza South Bank London SE1 9UF with this years theme being…..
Dear All
Since my last blog post here is an update on my journey to promote the 3 E’s (Ethical, Effective Entrepreneurship):
1) I met Lord Digby Jones (The New Troubleshooter) at Elite Business Conference and Exhibition in April this year. Lord Digby is a strong supporter of SMEs and the important role they play in achieving a strong economy. In addition to this what makes The New Troubleshooter even more interesting is the fact that he used to be…..
The book Dot Complicated explores the relationship between technology and media its future and why we shouldn’t be put off by the complications of tech on our daily lives. Rather the author proposes that we embrace the technological changes around us and that we make sure that we are not ruled by our gadgets. Know when to put your mobile down during dinner and that we should be our “authentic” selves online.
After graduating from Harvard University Randi went to…..
Here are some words I associate with much needed breaks, holidays and vacations:
B uzz
R est
E at
A way
K ilo
S un
H otel
O pen air
L earn
I nspiration
D iscover
A ctivities
Y esterday
S un
V iew
A wesome
C ulture
A ction
T ravel
I dentification
O bservation
N ew
S un
Wishing you all a happy new year!
How did you spend your time off this festive period? For me…..
The show was billed to be the UK’s premier business exhibition and conference and didn’t fail to deliver.
For those who haven’t been to Excel it is quite an exhibition centre. At the end of day one I was told by a kind lady who worked there that shutters had to be placed a few years ago under the glass panelling on the ceiling to prevent “the glasshouse effect” during the summer period. I could definitely see why as Thursday…..
Having written The Book On Entrepreneurship and Property I appreciate the power and benefit of effective entrepreneurship on the world economy and of course its vital role in society. Entrepreneurship is clearly on the rise as evidenced by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and so it is ever so important that we look to promote ethical, effective entrepreneurship to avoid the risk of loss to the innocent and unwary. Bad practice should not be tolerated.
Business is tough and isn’t for the…..
The word entrepreneur stems from the French entreprendre, meaning to undertake. The entrepreneur is the person who undertakes new ventures by seizing opportunities to innovate or develop new ideas, the catalyst who brings about change.
According to Peter F. Drucker entrepreneurship is “a systematic innovation, which consists in the purposeful and organized search for changes, and it is the…..
Dear All
The journey from start to finish has certainly been a mixture of emotions from frustration to inspiration and excitement. One thing is certain though it has been worth it!
I am asked by family, friends and clients why write a book, “what’s the point?” “haven’t you got anything better to do?”. Here is my answer:
1) Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to write a book. I’d start writing a children’s book but never completed it. I’d also enjoy writing comedy sketches which made…..
Our thoughts and prayers are with those who...
Not all bees are black and yellow for example bumblebees...
You might think that attending a conference or networking...
Good food with family and friends gives me...