You might think that attending a conference or networking event will be a waste of time and sometimes they almost certainly can be save for the fact that you can treat it as a day out or some time out! If you choose the right event you’re likely to experience some of the following:
i) Learn valuable…..
Happy Father’s Day today – a day to think about our fathers and father figures thank them for their support, reflect on the past together and look forward to the new.
My understanding is that this tradition first started in the US. There are two stories of when the first Father’s Day was celebrated in the…..
Good food with family and friends gives me real pleasure. Sharing experiences, catching up, telling stories, savouring different taste combinations and surroundings is food for my soul. How about the “great outdoors?”
Going for a walk at different times of the year whether it be in Winter when there is frost on the…..
I find great inspiration and wisdom from quality motivational quotes. Here are a few for you to enjoy and think about.
“He who has a why can endure any how.” — Frederick Nietzsche
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” — Albert Einstein
“The siren call for many entrepreneurs isn’t money, it’s freedom. The freedom to chart your own path, the freedom to build what you want with the people you love.” Andrew Wilkinson
“Winners never…..
Our thoughts and prayers are with those who...
Not all bees are black and yellow for example bumblebees...
You might think that attending a conference or networking...
Good food with family and friends gives me...